Login Guide is a default gateway IP address, by which a user can log into the admin login. In this blog, we have given the login steps along with troubleshooting steps in case, if you will encounter issues during accessing. Admin Login Steps

To login, you can follow the below steps to access login page. So, that you can modify the different admin settings in your network.

  1. First and foremost step is that you need to open a web browser on your computer system which is connected to the same router network.
  2. Next, enter the IP address 192.168 188.1 in the address field.
  3. Then, press the enter button.
  4. Thereafter, you will be directed to the wireless extender login page where you have to enter your username and password in the two text boxes.
  5. The username and password are set by the router company by default and you can find it on the bottom or back of the router.
  6. Alternatively, you can go to the router's official website i.e.http//: for these credentials.
  7. Now, enter the credentials in the specified field.
  8. Click the Sign in button.
  9. Once you sign in, a variety of settings and menus will be available to you to change your network according to your preference.
  10. You can click the sign-out button to save your changes after completion.


Troubleshoot The Admin Login Issues

 Here are the solutions to some of the most common login problems that arise while accessing the login page:

  1.  Connection Issues: The most common cause of problems with 192.168 188.1 is a poor connection to the router from an electrical outlet. To prevent this, make sure that  the power cord is properly connected to the router.

2. Corrupt Gateway: Sometimes your browser does not match the IP address and therefore your system fails to load the login page. In this case, you can try other browsers on your system.

3.  Failure In Server: Sometimes there are problems with servers. This means that the login page  was broken. Then, you need to contact the customer service team of your router network for solutions.


That’s it! By executing the above steps you can access the wireless extender setup through address. In case, during issues or difficulties you can contact our experts to get rid of the issue.


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